Historical Bridges in Anatolia

Historical Bridges in Anatolia

Turkey has many historical bridges that have been inherited from generation to generation. Throughout history, bridges have served as a vehicle for civilizational development and cultural interaction. These structures attract attention not only for their functionality, but also for their architectural features and aesthetic appearance.

Varda Bridge, Adana:
The Varda Bridge has long been recognized as one of Adana's most recognizable structures. This iconic bridge with trains running over it is located in the Karaisali district. The Varda Bridge was built in 1912 as a result of an agreement between the Ottoman Empire and Germany. The Ottoman Empire needed this bridge to transfer soldiers, people and trade, while Germany needed it to access oil wells faster.

Dicle Bridge, Diyarbakir:
Dicle (Tigris) Bridge is locally known as Ten-Eyed (On Gözlü) Bridge because it has ten openings. The bridge is located on the Dicle River in the Sur district of Diyarbakır. The bridge has been destroyed many times in the past by the sieges of the city. In the Middle Ages, there was no passage to Diyarbakır from several bridges, so the bridge was reconstructed several times in time.

Cendere Bridge, Adıyaman:
The historic Cendere Bridge is considered one of the world's oldest bridges still in use. It is located 55 kilometers from Adıyaman, in an ancient settlement known today as Eskikale. Built over the Cendere stream, the bridge has survived from the Roman period to the present day, thanks to its 32.20-meter arch built by overlapping 92 stone blocks weighing tons. Cendere Bridge is the second widest arch bridge built by the Romans. It is believed to have been built 2,000 years ago by the Roman Emperor Septimus Severus.

Malabadi Bridge, Diyarbakır:
The Malabadi Bridge is one of the monumental masterpieces of the Seljuk period, built by the Artuqids in the 12th century. The bridge is within the boundaries of Diyarbakır and crosses the Batman stream. The twisted columns of the bridge display human, animal and solar motifs. Evliya Celebi wrote about the Malabadi Bridge in his travel book, "The dome of Hagia Sophia can (easily) fit under the Malabadi Bridge", referring to its beautiful architecture. This artwork is a must-see for anyone passing through Batman.

Irgandi Bazaar Bridge, Bursa:
Only four bridges in the world have a bazaar and the historic Irgandi Bazaar Bridge is one of them. Other examples can be found in Italy and Bulgaria. The Irgandi Bazaar Bridge was built in 1442 across the Gökdere River, to connect the Osmangazi and Yıldırım districts of Bursa. The bridge is simply a reflection of the Ottoman bazaar culture. There are a total of 32 stores on it. It is also unique in that it is literally an art bridge with traditional Turkish craft workshops on it. So it's no surprise that it was selected as one of the 13 most prestigious bridges in Turkey.

Taşkopru, Adana:
Taşköprü on the Seyhan River connects the two important central districts of Adana: Seyhan and Yüreğir. Taşköprü (meaning 'stone bridge' in Turkish) dates back to the Roman Imperial era and is one of Adana's most important symbols. The Taşköprü Bridge participates in the literature as the world's oldest bridge still in use. Throughout history, Taşköprü has been a transit port for caravans, soldiers and emperors traveling south and east from Anatolia. The bridge attracts attention with its 16 arches and 350 meters in length.

Oluk Bridge, Antalya:
The Oluk Bridge is a historic Roman bridge that crosses the Köprüçay River. Formerly known as "Eurymedon" in Roman times, the bridge is one of the focal points of Köprülü Canyon National Park. Although there is little information about its history, it is believed to have been built in the second century. The Oluk Bridge is close to Selge, the ancient city that served as the capital of the Roman Empire in Turkey.

Palu Bridge, Elazığ:
Located on the Murat River in the Palu District of Elazığ, the Palu Bridge has been a bridge of great importance since it served as the only east-west transit route in the past. Palu Bridge consists of 10 pointed arches that have different widths and heights. Besides the fact that the construction date of Palu Bridge is still not clear, it has undergone many changes over time. According to some it was built in Roman times, according to others it was built during the Artuqids or Seljuks period.

Ortacalar Twin Bridge, Artvin:
With its two different bridges that are perpendicular to each other, the Ortacalar Twin Bridges in Artvin are among the most beautiful historic bridges in the region. One of the bridges crosses Kamilet Stream and the other one crosses Soğucak Stream.