Certified Turkish Products

Certified Turkish Products

Each region is different in terms of physical, social and cultural characteristics. The local food products of those places are also different. Turkey has a wide variety of local products spread all over the country, some of which are GI-Certified and recognized worldwide. A quick reminder: A GI (Geographical Indication) is a label placed on items that have a specific geographic origin and have attributes or reputations related to that origin. Let's take a look below at some of the exquisite legacies of the Turkish land. All of them are signed "Made in Turkey".

Gaziantep Baklava:
As you know, baklava is the most popular traditional Turkish dessert. There are many local varieties of baklava, but baklava made in Gaziantep is distinguished from others by its GI-Certificate. Locally grown pistachios are used in Gaziantep Baklava. It is usually served with cream and milk to lighten the dessert load.

Aydın Fig:
Aydın is a fig paradise. Approximately 70% of the world fig production in Turkey is provided by Aydın. You can recognize the Aydın fig by its yellow color, and you can consume this vitamin-packed fruit fresh or sun-dried for a more intense taste.

Malatya Apricot:
Malatya Apricot is another Turkish product that has received the CI-Certificate. Malatya is known as the apricot capital of the world. Apricots are grown in many parts of Turkey, but none of them can be compared to the local apricots of Malatya. They are much larger and sweeter than other species. Malatya apricots are also excellent for the production of sun-dried apricots, which can be stored and consumed throughout the year.

Aydın Chestnut:
Besides the world-famous figs of Aydın, there is another registered Turkish food product. They are larger than those grown elsewhere. The flesh of Aydın Chestnut is very soft and peels easily. You can cook chestnut kebab, which is a favorite of the Turks, by roasting it on fire. Candied chestnuts are another delicious option for those who are fond of wild sweets.

Taşköprü Garlic:
Another GI Certified Turkish product is Taşköprü garlic. Taşköprü garlic is grown in Taşköprü district of Kastamonu. It is widely considered to be the best garlic in the world. Compared to other garlic varieties, its most distinctive feature is its high aroma, pungent smell and bitterness. Taşköprü garlic is the most valuable garlic in terms of its medicinal properties. It has the highest levels of iron, sulfur, magnesium and potassium. It also contains sufficient amounts of selenium, an important mineral in cancer prevention.

Milas Olive Oil:
Milas Olive Oil is produced in the olive groves of Milas district of Muğla. Milas has two olive oil brands that are among the top 500 in the world. Milas olive oil is the first Turkish olive oil to receive a geographical indication mark from the European Union. The reputation of Milas Olive Oil stems from the use of Memecik olives, which have been grown extensively since ancient times.